小乔治·沃尔特·卢卡斯(George Walton Lucas Jr,1944年5月14日—),是美国电影导演、製片人和编剧,其最著名的是史诗式作品《星際大戰》和《印第安纳·琼斯》三部曲。

编辑- “特效只是一种工具,述说故事的一种手段。没有故事的特效是相当乏味的。”
- “在一部电影的娱乐要素中,音响和音乐各占了50%。”
- “梦想始于剧本,而终结于电影。”(8月20日之每日名言)
- “我只是试图奋斗终生;试图完成上帝的召唤。”
- 在星球大战制作特辑里“当你正在做导演,你要早上四点半起床,五点吃早餐,六点离开酒店,驾驶一小时到拍摄点,八点开拍,下午六点左右收工。当你收工后,回到你的办公室,并制订明天的工作。你回到酒店时已经八九点,满怀希望地找到一点东西吃,然后你回到房间,并为明天的镜头如何拍而想拍摄的准备工作,接着就去睡觉。第二天早上所有东西又重复一遍。”
- “唯一要忍受的,是人们恰巧喜欢愚蠢的电影。”
- “我在销售计划上下了很大的工夫,不是因为让它赚更多的钱,而是因为我想控制它。我因为社会、安全和质量的原因,想制订一个标准。我不想某人把‘星球大战’的名字用在一堆废话上。”
- “目标是尝试让(电影)系统为你服务,而不是与你作对。恐怕,唯一的办法就是获得成功。”
- “制作一部电影就像用筛子熄灭一场火。有如此多的元素,又是如此复杂。”
- “更新就是一切。还有什么要求比恢复年轻更重要?”
- "He is his own man, he is not a son anymore, he is an equal." - describing Luke Skywalker after his duel with Darth Vader in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980).
- "I wanted to make abstract films that are emotional, and I still do."
- "He is one of the best. He's outwitted the empire on numerous occaisons, and he has made some very fast deals. One of his problems is that he gambles quite heavily and that's where he loses most of his money. He's tough and sharp, but never manages to scrape together enough to get any power...He's slightly self-destructive and he sort of enjoys being on the brink of disaster...You might meet him and he may be worth ten billion dollars and the next time you meet him he's in debt up to his ears." - Describing Han Solo
- "It's hard work making movies. It's like being a doctor:you work long hours, very hard hours, and it's emotional, tense work. If you don't really love it, then it ain't worth it."
- "From being a struggling. starving filmmaker to being incredibly successful in a period of a couple of years is quite a powerful experience, and not necessarily a good one."
- "I've had a very volatile relationship with Francis (Ford Coppola). It's on both sides, like we were married and we got divorced. It's as close a relationship as I've had with anybody."
- "If you can tune into the fantasy life of an 11-year-old girl, you can make a fortune in this business."
- Regarding Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005): "Right or wrong this is my movie, this is my decision, and this is my creative vision, and if people don't like it, they don't have to see it."
- "I am very concerned about our national heritage, and I am very concerned that films that I watched when I was young and the films that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that my children can see them."
- (On Gangs of New York) "We showed a print of it at the Skywalker Ranch. I was amazed by what he (Scorsese) did with it and where he went. It was terrific."