

马可·波罗Marco Polo,又译马可·孛罗马哥·波罗马哥孛罗,1254年9月15日—1324年1月8日)是威尼斯共和国商人、旅行家及探险家。

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  • 我所讲述的事物,还不到我看见的一半。
  • Non ho scritto neppure la metà delle cose che ho visto.
    • I have not told half of what I saw.
    • On his death-bed, when urged to retract "some of the seemingly incredible statements he made in his book", as quoted in The travels of Marco Polo, the Venetian (J. M. Dent, 1926), p. xxiv. Quote in Italian from Imago mundi seu Chronica (c. 1330) by Jacopo d'Acqui, as reported in the bibliographic note to Marco Polo: Storia del mercante che capì la Cina (2009) by Vito Bianchi.

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