柯瑞·布克英语Cory Booker,1969年4月27日),非裔美国政治家。



  • 我想尽可能有意识地,有目的地实现自己的价值观。作为素食者,我更加干净地不参与不符合我的价值观的做法。
    原文:I want to try to live my own values as consciously and purposefully as I can. Being vegan for me is a cleaner way of not participating in practices that don't align with my values.[1]
  • 无知、偏执、权力,结合成一股危险的力量 ... 你缄默及不记得,等同共谋。
    ——[基尔斯琴·尼尔森 (Kirstjen Nielsen) 不记得唐纳德·特朗普是否有讲过 "屎洞 (shitholes)",布克愤怒回应]
    原文:When ignorance and bigotry is allied with power, it is a dangerous force ... Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.[2][3]
  • 你对于我的鼓励 超乎你可以想像。
原文:You encouraging me means more to me than you can imagine.[4][5]
  • “人民有的力量”比“掌权的人”更伟大 … 改变并不是来自华盛顿 (美国的首都),而是来到华盛顿。
原文:The "power of the people" is greater than the "people in power" ... Change does not come from Washington, it comes to Washington.[6]
  • 你现在 深入讨论 这个议题,但是你 根本不懂。
[拜登 质疑 布克 作为市长时期的打击犯罪工作,布克反讽]
原文:You are dipping into the Kool-aid and you do not even know the flavor.[7][8]
  • ... 我听到他说 “我不同意 将大麻合法化。” 我认为 你说此话时 可能情绪亢奋 ... 在我国,对于有特权的人来讲,大麻已经是合的;对毒品的战争 一直是 对黑色人、棕色人的战争...
    ——2019年11月 在民主党辩论期间 提及到乔·拜登]
    原文:... I hear him literally say that "I don’t think we should legalize marijuana." I thought you might have been high when you said it ... marijuana in our country is already legal for privileged people ... the war on drugs has been a war on black and brown people.[9]


  1. Talking Tofurky With Newly Vegan Cory Booker, thedailybeast.com, 2014年11月26日.
  2. Cory Booker blasts Republicans for amnesia over Trump's 'shithole' remark. The Guardian. Associated Press. 2018-01-17 [2019-10-04]. 
  3. Booker to Nielsen: Your Silence is Complicity. YouTube. Associated Press Archive. 2018-01-21 [2019-10-04]. 
  4. Anapol, Avery. Jimmy Carter tells Booker: 'I hope you run for president'. thehill. 2019-01-20 [2019-03-11]. 
  5. Starostinetskaya, Anna. Jimmy Carter Backs Vegan Senator Cory Booker for President in 2020. vegnews. 2019-01-21 [2019-03-11]. 
  6. Cory Booker Discusses Family Separations at U.S. Mexico Border Wall ... 3:00. YouTube. The View. 1 February 2019 [12 February 2019]. 
  7. Geoff Earle. Cory Booker mocks Joe Biden during angry clash over criminal justice as former VP accuses ex-mayor running RACIST police department. Daily Mail. 2019-08-01
  8. Urban Dictionary
  9. Nick Corasaniti, Cory Booker Jokes Biden ‘Might Have Been High’ When He Made Marijuana Comments. The New York Times. 2019-11-20

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