《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)是美國一部以政治為題材的電視連續劇。本劇由鮑爾·威利蒙創作並改編自安德魯·戴維斯的BBC同名電視劇。兩部電視劇都是基於米高·多布斯同名小說創作的。第一季全部13集於2013年2月1日在串流媒體網站Netfilx 首播。第二季的13集於2014年2月14日同時放出。2014年2月4日,即第二季播出十天之前,Netflix宣佈續訂本劇第三季,於2015年2月27日播出。本劇已經播出六季。
編輯- 痛苦分兩種。一種讓你變得更強……另一種毫無價值……只是徒添折磨。
- There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong… or useless pain… The sort of pain that’s only suffering.
- 付出與索取。這就是華盛頓。
- Give and take. Welcome to Washington.
- 我們將度過很多這樣的夜晚。制定計劃。沒時間睡覺。
- We’ll have a lot of nights like this. Making plans. Very little sleep.
- 我愛那個女人。甚於鯊魚愛鮮血。
- I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.
- 今後我們只有一條準則,絕不再陷入如此境地。
- We live by on rule, and one rule only never again will we allow ourselves to be put in such a position.
- 他也不想做我的盤中肉。等到我把他剁碎了餵狗,他才會承認那殘忍的不可避免的真相。
- He didn’t choose to be put on my platter. When I carve him up and toss him to the dogs, only then will he confront that brutal inescapable truth.
- 勇往直前!這是我的作戰口號。紙上談兵那一套,於我無益。
- Forward! That is the battle cry. Leave ideologies for the Armchair General, does me no good.
- 沒人是真正清白的,童子軍也不例外。
- Nobody is a boy scout, not even boy scouts.
- 權力正如地產。位置是重中之重。你離中心越近,你的財產就越值錢。
- Power’s a lot like real estate. It’s all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.
- 你知道我喜歡人哪一點嗎?會排隊。
- You know what I like about people? They stack so well.
- 我每周二都會和議長及多數黨領袖一起商討一周的事宜。說是「商討」可能不太準確。他們談話,而我安靜地坐着,想像他們淡醃過的臉在煎鍋中炸。
- Every Tuseday I sit down with the speaker and the majority leader to dicuss the week’s agenda. Well, discuss is probably the wrong word. They talk while I sit quietly and imaging their lightly salted faces frying in a skillet.
- 金錢是薩拉索塔的巨無霸豪宅,保質期就只有十年。權力是古老的石砌建築,能屹立數百年。
- Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.
- 烈士最渴求的就是壯烈犧牲,所以,你磨好兵刃,調整好角度,默數三、二、一——
- What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on, so you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then 3, 2, 1—
- 我絕不受人或者免費電話能訂購的東西擺佈。
- I won’t be a slave to anybody or anything you can order with a toll-free number.
- 如果我安慰一對悲痛的父母時中槍或遇刺,那麼我將流芳千古。我們賭一把吧,好嗎?
- If I get shot or stabbed consoling two grieving parents, I’m a hero from now until the end of time. Let’s roll the dice. Shall we?
- 你要知道,我的老鄉們都是高尚的人。他們的自豪表現在謙遜中。這是他們的力量,也是他們的缺陷,如果你能在他們面前保持謙卑,他們會任你差遣。
- What you have to understand about my people is that they are a noble people. Humility is their form of pride. It is their strength, it is their weakness, and if you can humble yourself before them, they will do anything you ask.
- 對我們這類人來說勉強生存與死無異。
- Treading water’s the same as drowning for people like you and me.
- 弗萊迪認為如果冰箱從小貨車上掉下來,你得趕快避開。我卻認為冰箱該給我讓道。
- You see, Freddy believes that if a fridge falls off a minivan, you better swerve out of its way. I believe it’s the fridge’s job to swerve out of mine.
- 反目的朋友是最可怕的敵人。
- Friends make the worst enemies.
- 不論你站在哪一邊。大家都得吃東西。
- Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Everybody’s gotta eat.
- 但有些時候,要想贏得上司的尊重就只能違抗他。
- But sometimes the only way to gain your superior’s respect is to defy him.
- 保持警醒。對靈魂有好處。
- Vigilance. It’s good for the soul.
- 從這一刻起,你就是一塊石頭。萬物不侵,絲毫不吐,堅不可摧。
- From this moment on, you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you.
- 別低估了慷慨的力量,佐伊。
- Generosity is its own form of power, Zoe.
- 打破疑慮最好的利器莫過於赤裸裸的事實。
- There’s no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt than with a flood of naked truth.
- 畢竟,我們多少只是我們選擇表現出來的樣子。
- After all, we are nothing more or less that what we choose to reveal.
編輯- 我喜歡鐵,但更愛火。
- I like irons, but I love fire.
編輯- 我必須殘忍,因為我不能失敗。
- I have to be ruthless, because failure is not an option.
- 我要對自己殘忍。我得利用恐懼。它讓我變得堅強。
- I have to be ruthless with myself. I have to use my fear. It makes me stronger.