


Coldplay 2009

歌词 编辑

  • “仰望星空,看着它们为你闪耀,为你做的所有事情闪耀”
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do
Yellow - Parachutes(2000年)
  • “如果天空会垮下来,请让它掉在我身上…”
if the sky's gonna fall down let it fall on me...
Moses - 2003现场演唱(2003年)
  • “如果汤不是滚烫的,我就无法吞下它”
If the soup is not piping hot, I can't eat it.
Moses - 2004现场演唱(2004年)
  • “光芒将会指引你回家的路

并且点燃你的骨头 而我会试着修补你的心”

Lights will guide you home!
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Fix You - X&Y(2005年)
  • “你说你要买下这个地方并且烧毁它


You said 'I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down.
I'm gonna put it six feet underground.
A Rush of Blood to the Head - A Rush Of Blood to the Head(2003年)
  • “没有人说会很容易,没有人说竟会如此困难”
Nobody said it was easy, nobody said it would be so hard
The Scientist - A Rush Of Blood to the Head(2003年)

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