
安德鲁·卡内基(Andrew Carnegie,1835年—1919年,美国的钢铁大王。

Carnegie (1913)

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  • 把所有鸡蛋放在一个好篮子里,然后好好看住那个篮子。
  • 对某些年青人来说,如果他可和高阶的长官有直接接触的话,人生的战役已赢了大半;而每一位年青人的远大目标应该是所做的事超出他的职责范围--所做的事可以吸引在上面注视着他的人的注意。
原文(英文):The battle of life is already half won by the young man who is brought personally in contact with high officials; and the great aim of every boy should be to do something beyond the sphere of his duties--something which attracts the attention of those who over him.
  • 当统计显示百分之九十五的年青人创业失败,这不应该使人气馁。带着“沉没或游”(破釜沈舟)的精神去闯,一个人就不会沉没。
原文(英文):While statistics say that 95 percent of all young men who enter business fail, this should not discourage any one. Go out with the spirit “sink or swim,”and a person will not sink.
原文(英文):The highest title which a man can write upon the page of history is his own name.
  • 人富贵而死,死得可耻。
  • 一个人死的时候如果拥有巨额财富,那就是一种耻辱。
  • “如果把我的厂房设备、材料全部烧毁,但只要保住我的全班人马,几年以后,我仍将是一个钢铁大王。”

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