



第一季 編輯


  • Where does it come from?它從何而來
  • This quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of quetions can never be answered.

這種渴望 這種需求 想去揭開生命奧秘卻從未有過答案

  • Why are we here? 我們為什麼在這
  • What is the soul? 靈魂是什麼
  • Why do we dream? 我們為什麼做夢
  • Perheps we'd better of not looking at all.漠不關心也許更好
  • Not delving, not yearning.不鑽研 不渴求知曉
  • That's not human nature.'這不是人類的本性
  • Not the human heart .也不是人類的心意
  • That is not why we are here.更不是我們存在的目的

第二集: We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny capable of determing our own fate 所有人都幻想著做命運的代理人 能夠決定我們自己的命運 But have we truly any choice in when we rise? Or when we fall?但是我們真的能夠掌握人生的起起伏伏嗎 Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? 亦或有另一種更加強大的力量操縱著我們前進的方向 Is it evolution that takes us by hand?是進化將我們玩弄於鼓掌之中嗎 Does science point our way?還是科學幫我們指點迷津 Or is it god who intervenes, keeping us safe.還是說是上帝讓我們平平安安

For all his bluster, it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph. 無論他如何自大 人的可悲之處在於不能選擇自己的成功 He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes.他只能選擇如何回應命運的召喚 Hoping that he'll have the courage to answer.希望他有回應的勇氣

第三集: Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betray. 突然你生命中原本美麗的變化會反過來出賣你 It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation. 這也許很殘酷 但是沒有比自我保護更重要的了 Survival.一切都為了生存

This force, evolution, is not sentimental.這種力量 進化 是沒有感情的 Like the earth itself, it know only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. 就象地球本身 它只知道生命與死亡鬥爭的殘酷現實 All you can do is hope and trust that when you've served its needs faithfully, 你只能希望並且相信當你忠實的滿足它的需要 there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.也許還留下一點你曾經了解的生命的火光 第四集: Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.有時候問題的力量比它的答案能強大 How are these happening? What are they?怎麼會這樣 是什麼問題 Why them , not others?為什麼是它們而不是別的 Why now?為什麼是現在 What does it all mean?它們到底有什麼意義 第五集: When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate.當變化來臨時 某些物種便感到遷移的衝動 They call it zugunruhe人們把這叫做遷移興奮 The pull of the soul to a far-off place.將靈魂牽往遠方 Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky.跟隨著風中的一縷氣息 天空中的一點星光 The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together. 來自遠古的訊息 召喚著整個家族啟程 團聚 Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come. 只有這時 他們才能希望在殘酷的季節到來時倖存下來

第六集: Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process.進化是一個不完美且常常伴隨這個暴力的過程 3A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born.一場已存在的和還未出現事物之間的戰鬥 In the midst of these birth pains, morality loses its meaning.在伴隨出世的陣痛中 道德失去了意義 The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice:survive or perish. 正義與邪惡的問題簡化為一個選擇:生存 還是滅亡

第七集: They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure.他們不會明白你會在失敗中失去多少東西 But you are the instrument of a flawless design.但是你是一件沒有瑕疵的作品 And all of life may hang in the balance.世間的一切生命在平衡中命懸一線 A hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way. 英雄能很快發現誰成為幫手而誰只會礙事

第八集: The earth is large.世界之大 Large enough that you think you can hide from anything.大到你認為你可以躲過任何東西 From fate. From god.躲過命運 躲過上帝 If only you found a place far enough away.只要你能找到一個夠遙遠的地方 So you run.所以 你逃跑了

You can run far. 你可以逃的很遠 You can take your small precautions. 你也可以小心謹慎 But have you really gotten away? 但是你真的能一走了之嗎 Can you ever escape? 你逃的掉嗎 Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny. 或者事實是你根本沒有力量和才智去逃避命運 But the world is not small, you are. 但是世界並不渺小 而你卻是 And fate can find you anywhere. 不管到哪 命運都能找到你

第九集: We are, if anything, creatures of habit drawn to the safety and comfort of the familiar. 我們 如果有什麼不同的話是有習性的動物被所熟悉的事物的安全和舒適所吸引 But what happens when the familiar becomes unsafe, 但如果所熟悉的事物變的不安全了 那會發生什麼呢 when the fear that we have been desperately trying to avoid finds us where we live? 當我們一直拼命避免的恐懼找上門來呢 第十集:SIX MONTHS AGO 對萬物而言,每個目標都有特定的時期和特定的期限,當我們拼命地嘗試不被進化拋棄時,地球正以每小時1千英里的速度環行,就像是預示著初冬來臨的萬物大遷徙,有任何預示他們到達的警訊嗎?一個動作 一件單純的事 就引發了骨牌效應?,這就是你一直為之等待的,真有人對上帝耳語嗎?成為我們需要的那個人,生存,適應,逃亡,而如果我們可以及時的標識出第一次,預言暗示危險逼近的那一刻?我們會做什麼不同的事情?這一切能被阻止嗎?,或者這一切冥冥之中早已註定?,而如果我們可以回到過去改變它的進程,從開始之初就阻止它發生,我們能嗎? To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose. As we desperately try to keep from being thrown off, The earth spins at 1,000 miles an hour. Like the first blush of winter that signals a great migration. Was there any warning of their arrival? a single event that set this chain into motion? This is what you've been waiting for, Was it a whisper in God's ear? Survive,Adapt,Escape,And if we could mark that single moment in time, that first hint of the prophecy of approaching danger...Would we have done anything differently? Could it have been stopped? Or was the dye long ago cast? And if we could go back, alter its course, stop it from happening... Would we? 第十一集:FALLOUT 第十二集:GODSEND 最初一切從探索開始,一切的原理還是未知,看似絕不可能的改變悄然而至,舊物堙滅 被遺忘,新鮮事物漸漸為人熟知...,新的噩夢悚現,新的朋友讓人感到心安,只有這時一切才都在控制之中,秩序出之於混沌,這源自果敢 源自鑽研,源自奮鬥...,一切皆建立在對公認真理的調整,而地球卻在腳下顫抖,有了我誰還需要上帝? In the beginning, there was discovery. A confusion of elements, the first snowfall of impossible change. Old lives undone, left behind. Strange faces made familiar...new nightmares to challenge sleep. New friends to feel safe with. Only then comes control. The need to impose order onto chaos, through determination, through study, through struggle...all in defiance of a thundering truth. And the earth shudders underfoot. Who needs God when you've got me? 第十三集:THE FIX 當我們深信我們擁有無限潛能的時候,如你所見,我們的未來充滿著希望,此時此刻,我們滿懷憧憬,但是當我們背棄了我們的天性,和自己內心最深處的渴望相抗爭的時候,一切開始變得難以預測.這條路究竟通向何方?變異何時才會結束?這究竟是基因轉化給予的恩賜,還是個詛咒?你對力量一無所知,還有那些對於前路滿懷恐懼的人,其中最重要的問題是,我們確實能改變真正的自我嗎? When we embrace what lies within our potential has no limit. As far as you know, The future is filled with promise. The present, rife with expectation. But when we deny our instinct, and struggle against our deepest urges...Uncertainty begins. Where does this path lead? When will the changes end? Is this transformation a gift? Or a curse? You don't anything about power. And for those who fear what lies ahead, The most important question of all--Can we ever really change what we are? 第十四集:DISTRACTIONS 第十五集:RUN 為了在這個世界生存下去,我們必須和我們所依靠的人緊緊團結在一起,我們全心地信賴他們,分享我們彼此的希望和恐懼,但當我們所相信的不復存在時會怎樣?當我們深信不疑的事從我們眼前消失的時候 我們該何去何從?當一無所有的時候 未來變得撲朔迷離,我們哪怕是生存都要步步為營...這不是個問題,我們唯一所能做的...就是繼續前行. To survive in this world, we hold close to us, those people on whom we depend. We trust in them our hopes, our fears. But what happens when trust is lost? Where do we run when things we believe in vanish before our eyes? When all see***ost, the future unknowable, our very existence in peril...Not a problem, all we can do...is run. 第十六集:UNEXPECTED 第十七集:COMPANY MAN 第十八集:ARASITE 第十九集:0.07% 一個怪物為了生存而戰,為了殺戮而生存,一位母親寧願分裂自己的靈魂,也要保護她的孩子,年輕人為了單純的生活而努力,儘管生活是殘酷的.雙重人格的生活,需要雙重謊言來支撐.一位迷茫的英雄 單純地為了成功而喜悅,他人生最黑暗的時刻,就是整個世界都已滿目瘡痍,所有完美的瞬間都在此刻凍結,孤零零的 每個人都講述著單獨的故事,而合在一起 他們可以敘述整個未來. A monster's fight to survive, and live to kill again. A mother willing to fracture her own soul to protect her child. Youth struggle for innocence, despite life's cruelty. The double-edged lies needed to sustain a double-edged life. A wandering hero's pure joy at success. And his darkest hour, when all the world see***ost. All perfect moments frozen in time. Alone,each tells a single story. Together they can tell the future. 第二十集:5 YEARS AGO 第二十一集:Difficulties 第二十二集:Landslide 第二十三集:How to stop an exploding man 它從何而來?這種探求,這種想要破解生命之謎的渴望,如此簡單的問題卻永遠得不到答案,我們為何會存在?靈魂是什麼?我們為何會做夢?也許我們本該不去考慮,沒有追求,沒有嚮往,但這並非人類的天性,也不是出自本意,更不是我們存在的意義,我們至今仍在奮鬥,去改變世界,去實現夢想,我們不知道,在尋求真理的路上會遇見誰,在這廣闊世界裡,陌生的人群中,誰會與我們攜手共進,觸摸我們的心靈,分享失敗的痛苦. Where does it come from? This quest, This need to solve life's mysteries, when the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature, not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet sill we struggle to make a difference to change the world, to dream of hope. Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand, Touch our hearts, And share the pain of trying. 結束語: 我們夢見了希望及改變,夢見火,夢見愛,夢見死亡,然後就發生了,夢境變成了現實,我們苦苦追尋的答案,解讀生命奧秘的答案,最終浮出了水面,就如同黎明的曙光,為了最終的目標,我們如此地鬥爭,最終卻在彼此身上找到了它.那就是我們曾有過的卓越與平凡的共同體驗,人類需要靠尋找血脈來聯繫彼此,從而在內心深處感知,我們並不孤獨. We dream of hope. We dream of change. Of fire, of love, of death. And then it happens. The dream becomes real. And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries,Like the glowing light of a new dawn. So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic, And the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred. To connect. And to know in our hearts, that we are not alone.

第二季 編輯

第三季 編輯

第四季 編輯

重生 編輯

台詞集錦 編輯

  • 他從何而來,這種渴望,這種需求,想去揭開生命奧秘卻從未有過答案,我們為什麼在這,什麼是靈魂,我們為什麼做夢?莫不關心也許更好,不鑽研,不渴求知曉,這不是人類的本性,也不是人類的心意,更不是我們存在的目的。

  Where does it come from? This quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of quetions can never be answered. Why we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perheps we'd better of not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. That's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here......

  • 所有的人都幻想著做命運的代理人,能夠決定我們自己的宿命,但是我們真的能夠掌控人生的起起伏伏嗎?亦或是有另一種更加強大的力量操縱著我們前行的方向?是進化將我們玩弄於股掌之中嗎?還是科學幫我們指點迷津?還是說是上帝讓我們平平安安?

  We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny capable of determing our own fate But have we truly any choice in when we rise? Or when we fall? Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? Is it evolution that takes us by hand? Does science point our way? Or is it god who intervenes, keeping us safe. For all his bluster, it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph. He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes. Hoping that he'll have the courage to answer......

  • 突然你生命中原本美麗的變化會反過來出賣你, 這也許很殘酷,但是沒有比自我保護更重要的了,一切都為了生存,這種力量進化是沒有感情的,就象地球本身,它只知道生命與死亡鬥爭的殘酷現實。你只能希望並且相信當你忠實的滿足它的需要, 也許還留下一點你曾經了解的生命的火光。

  Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betray. It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation. Survival,this force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the earth itself, it know only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you've served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew......

  • 有時候問題的力量比答案更強大,怎麼會這樣?是什麼問題?為什麼是它們而不是其他?為什麼是現在?它們到底有什麼意義?

  Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers. How are these happening? What are they? Why them , not others? Why now? What does it all mean? ......

  • 當變化來臨時,某些物種便有了遷移的衝動,人們把這叫做「遷徙興奮」,將靈魂牽往遠方,跟隨著風中的一縷氣息,天空中的一點星光,來自遠古的訊息,召喚著整個家族啟程、團聚。只有這時,他們才能希望挺過即將到來的殘酷季節。

  When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate. They call it zugunruhe The pull of the soul to a far-off place. Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together. Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come......

  • 最後他們的超能力讓他們團結起來,躲避想利用他們超能力DNA的人。他們的命運就是拯救世界。