

史蒂夫·巴爾默Steven Anthony Ballmer,1956年3月24日),美國職業經理人,自2000年1月至2014年起擔任微軟公司CEO。

Ballmer (2008)

語錄 編輯

  • 就智慧財產權的意義而言,Linux是種沾上它碰到的一切東西的癌組織。[出自《芝加哥太陽時報》(Chicago Sun-Times)]
英語原文:"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches."
  • Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Come on! Get up, get up! Come on! Come on, give it up for me! Whoo! Whoo! Come on! Who said 'sit down'? I have four words for you. I. Love. This. Company. Yes!