


语录 编辑

  • 在21世纪初始,一个重要的哲学、社会议题(即资讯共享)面临了人性问题。
    • 原文:"One of the most important philosophical and social issues confronting humanity in the beginning of the 21st century is the sharing of information."
    • 出处:自由资料准许白皮书 Open-content.org dealing with free and open content such as the GFDL and the Creative Commons license.
  • 我们写了这些授权协定来让律师、法官们阅读后,然后再将它们翻译成你们可以阅读的语言。
    • 原文:"We wrote these licenses so that lawyers and courts could read them. Then we translated them into a language that YOU can read."
    • 出处:"Get Creative" Flash movie [1]

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