約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes, 1883年6月5日—1946年4月21日),英国经济学家。

编辑- 但「長遠」會誤導當前事件,因為長遠來說,我們都會死。
- 原文:But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. ( A Tract on Monetary Reform (1923), Ch. 3, p. 80)
- 在亞當·斯密,李嘉圖或馬爾薩斯的作品中找不到「放任自由」一詞。在所有這些作者中,甚至都沒有以教條式的形式提出這個想法。當然,亞當·斯密是自由貿易商人,並且是18世紀許多貿易限制措施的反對者。但是他對《航行法》和高利貸法律的態度表明他不是教條者。(《放任自由的終結》,1926年)
- 原文:The phrase laissez-faire is not to be found in the works of Adam Smith, of Ricardo, or of Malthus. Even the idea is not present in a dogmatic form in any of these authors. Adam Smith, of course, was a Free Trader and an opponent of many eighteenth-century restrictions on trade. But his attitude towards the Navigation Acts and the usury laws shows that he was not dogmatic.
- 如果經濟學家能夠使自己被認為是謙遜的,能幹的,與牙醫水平相當的人,這是好的。(1930年)
- 原文:If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.
- 所有政黨都起源於過去的思想,而不是新思想。
- 馬氏社會主義始終對觀念史學家有意義——一種如此不合邏輯,如此呆板的教條如何能夠對人的思想以及通過它們而來的歷史事件施加如此強力而持久的影響。(《放任自由的終結》)
- 原文:Marxian Socialism must always remain a portent to the historians of Opinion — how a doctrine so illogical and so dull can have exercised so powerful and enduring an influence over the minds of men, and, through them, the events of history.
- 無論是正確的還是錯誤的,經濟學家和政治哲學家的思想都比通常理解的有力。確實,世界不受其他任何事物統治。自信不被知識分子影響的那些所謂務實的人,往往只是幾個過時經濟學家思想的奴隸。(Concluding Notes. p. 383-384)
- 原文:The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.
编辑- 投資是預測資產未來收益的活動,而投機是預測市場心理的活動。