《終極追殺令》(原題:Léon,美國上映片名:The Professional),又譯作這個殺手不太冷,是一部1994年上映的動作電影,由法國導演盧貝松編劇及執導,也是他首部往好萊塢發展拍攝的電影。由尚.雷諾、蓋瑞.歐德曼及娜塔莉.波曼主演。
编辑- 我想最深沉的愛,莫過於分開以後,我將自己活成了你的樣子。
- The deepest love I think, later than apart, I will live as you like.
- 真愛並不意味著永不分離。 它意味著即使分開了,也沒有任何改變。
- True love doesn't mean being inseparable. It means being separated and nothing changes.
- 如果我贏了,你要讓我一輩子…留在你身邊。
- If I win, you keep me with you…for life.
- 生無愛,吾寧死。
- I want love or death.
- 事情總是這樣的只有當你真正恐懼死亡的時候,你才會懂得珍惜生命。
- It's always the same thing.It's when you start to become really afraid of death…that you learn to appreciate life.
- 你看,沒有任何事物擋得住愛情,里昂。
- See, nothing can stop love, Leon.